the belonging brand

The Belonging Brand honours women who prioritise community and connection.

These founders create businesses that bring people together, fostering strong relationships and a sense of belonging among their customers and supporters.



The most-followed Linkedin trainer in the UK and founder of The Holt - a business community for freelancers, solopreneurs & small business owners.

In The Holt, Lea has created a business community like no other. It’s designed for like-minded people who genuinely care and a place where square pegs fit perfectly.

Visit the website here

connect with LEA


Megan Rossiter

Megan is a midwife and founder of the incredible Birth-ed Method: empowering parents-to-be thorough, holistic, nuanced and empowering preparation for birthing & parenting.

Creator and host of the UK’s Number One Pregnancy and Birth podcast, Megan is making sure parents have all the available information on the table to decide what’s right for them and their baby.

Visit the website here

connect with MEGAN


rebecca walker
joyfully dressed

Rebecca (Beks) is on a mission is to help women confidently transform their wardrobes from overwhelming, frustrating, and uninspiring to joyful, vibrant, and stylish - allowing them to feel beautiful and confident every day.

She has founded Joyfully Dressed, a vibrant, supportive community of women which supports members to understand the principles of style - and then confidently create their own rules.

Visit the website here

connect with beks


jess hellens
wild co-working

Jess runs the Wild Co-working community for self-employed women and non-binary people. They’re on a mission to change the business landscape for women by helping close the gender gap of 1.1million missing businesses due to only 1 in 3 entrepreneurs being a woman.

Launched in 2020 during the global pandemic, accessibility is a priority at Wild and they do everything they possibly can to constantly evolve with everyone in mind.

Visit the website here

connect with jess

the BELONGING brand


Alicia is the powerhouse behind EA How to, the worlds largest and most valuable community for Executive Assistance. With a mission to make life easier and more joyful for EA's, Alicia has built a community that's all about connection, support and empowerment.